Field Recording
Northern Patagonia – San Carlos de Bariloche
As seasons change the woods and mountains of Bariloche come alive with different bird songs. One call in particular during the spring always caught my attention, the Chucao. Its loud warbling echos through valleys and groves of coihue trees in all directions. It is amazing how well this call cuts through the natural soundscape in these woods, a soloist in this orchestra of sounds.
After several scouting trips I was able to record this amazing bird next to the river Goye near Colonia Suiza in Bariloche. I used a combination of my Røde shotgun microphone and Zoom stereo recorder hidden in the brush to record both ambience and the more isolated bird sound, which I later mixed together in post.

Iguazú National Park

These recordings are from the Iguazú Nation Park in Northern Argentina, close to the world famous falls and connecting Iguazú River. The first recording is the 6 AM dawn chorus just outside the park by the Paraná River. Of particular note in these recordings is the distinctive call of the Thrush-like Wren, a common bird throughout the park and found in the canopy of humid forests in South America. In the second recording this loud song is more isolated, certainly one of my favorite bird sounds from the trip!